Confessions and random thoughts.


  • I have been going to bed before 9pm all week. Tonight I have an early gig, and I'm still hoping to be in bed by 9. 
  • My kid wasn't affected in the least by the time change. I think that's what comes of him being a generally not-great sleeper. He doesn't ever care what time it is. I read updates of people whose kids are "begging to go to bed," and I am confused. A parenting success out of a failure!
  • I want to cook a holiday feast. I think maybe I now like the holidays. I'm not sure what that's about. Speaking of...
  • I saw someone walking down the street with a Starbucks red cup earlier this week, and now I wish I lived within walking distance of a Starbucks. I know. I really know. But I still want one.
  • I got into Yerdle for a few weeks, accumulated some Yerdle dollars to buy stuff (which I haven't used yet because I don't actually like to buy things), and now I think I have stopped Yerdling. It's a time-suck, and it involves trips to a UPS store, and I'm starting to think it's a part-time job. I have enough trouble balancing my 6 part-time jobs as it is.
  • We had a rental car for a month because of David's work. It was very weird, and I don't think I enjoyed it. More on that in another blog.
  • I really like to browse Pinterest. It is so mindless and distracting.
  • My feet have grown, but I do not want to part with my amazing lifetime cowboy boot collection. I am letting go, slowly, but it makes me sad.
  • I found a bunch of notes and letters and journals from high school in the basement, and I threw them all away after re-reading only two. Because, really, who needs to be brought back to high school, if even for an afternoon?
  • I am working on a new record! The songs are old (to me) at this point because I have not created anything new in ages because I had a baby who was then a toddler who was then a preschooler and I don't know how to balance art and motherhood. But I am excited to finish this record and tour it and make room in my head to create something new. (Can I play a house concert for you next summer/fall, please? Seriously. It'll be fun. Email me. Let's work this out.)
  • I still have culture shock, though I have been back in Kentucky THREE YEARS today. Even though I love Louisville and my family and friends, I really wish I could convince them that we should all move to Scotland. Remember, remember.

    Here is a new photo, by Joseph Mays of Alien Twilight Photography. I had some new pictures taken last week, before I decided to eat all of the holiday cookies, and I'm so glad I did. Joe is a huge talent, and I'm amazed by all of the images he sent. Here's one of my favorites: